
Updates: Changes To Our Dashboard Interface

Brendan Finucane
Brendan Finucane
August 2, 2016

5 min read

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Upcoming Release

Campaign Page

Taking our customers feedback on board we decided to scale back the Campaign page and give the user exactly what they want to see.

  • Inviting a campaign member
  • Activity feed
  • Overall picture of how your campaign is going

The Activity feed on the right-hand side can be viewed as you would your Facebook news feed. It is filled with useful information about the latest canvasses, surveys answers and star reception. It is updated in real time and is something which is of great use for any Campaign Manager.

New Team Page

One of the most frequent questions we get asked is "how can we keep track of our campaign staff and all the work they are doing?"

The new Teams Page allows you to see each individual and all the teams that they are attached to. You can now see their last canvass and hit rate.

You can also toggle over to the Team section and get a more in-depth look at certain teams and how they are performing.

Talking Points

A simple change to the Talking Points Page just made sense! You want to be able to add in new talking points quickly so the new functionality on this page makes it super easy. Go to Create Point and get typing, it will then appear under points on the left.

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