At Ecanvasser we believe your team are your greatest asset. Let's figure out how to get the best from them.
Your campaign team members are also voters, and as such, should be kept in your People section alongside the rest of your voters. Once they are in the People section we can use some of the voter outreach tools to better organize these people and better organize your campaign.
Marking your Team Members as Volunteers
The first step in beginning to organize your team through Ecanvasser is to mark those people who are willing to help out on the campaign as volunteers:
- Select a person from the People tab. You may review their current Volunteer status
- Click on Edit Status
- In the opened popup window, you may change the current Volunteer Status
Everyone in your voter database that is marked as a volunteer can now be assumed to be a team member. Getting the most from these volunteers involves understanding what they can do and communicating with them accurately to ensure that they do it.
Custom Fields for Volunteers
If you have a large team of volunteers, it may be useful to use the People page to keep track of voters skills, interests along with their willingness to volunteer.
For example, you may wish to create a Custom Field with the following Multiple Choice answers:
Lawn-Sign Delivery
Graphic Design
Social media management
Meetings host
This will allow you to see which of your volunteers can do what task. It also plays to their own individual strengths and motivations.
How do you know which of your volunteers are interested in which task areas? Well, having marked someone as a volunteer, assign them a survey asking them which areas they are interested in.
Leverage your campaign team's strengths
You can now filter your team on the People page, for example, by the above Custom Fields, to see how many are willing to engage in each task. You can even do so via the Map tab to see the geographic distribution of these skills or interests. This gives you a powerful way to get your team working for the campaign on tasks that they are already motivated to do.
A filtered list of volunteers in Precinct A that are interested in canvassing is the first step in getting a Team up and running.
Create Teams & Groups
Creating teams based off the results of the above actions will allow you to build, for example, a team for putting out lawn signs or hosting meetings for you. You may wish to create teams based upon task, geography or a combination of both.
When you next create a Group to be canvassed, or that requires lawn-signs delivered, a pre-made team will exist that you can simply assign to the task! Of course, you can always assign any individual to the same task or create a totally new team for the task.
Communicate with your Team
Talking Points
These are short policy positions that ensure that your canvassers stay on message while on the doors. That said, though it is advisable to keep to actual policy positions, you could consider including short, brief, instructions to your canvassers within a single Talking Point, for example:
- Canvasses should not begin before X in the morning
- Canvasses should end by X in the evening
- Ensure to leave leaflet if door is not answered
The primary purpose of the Contact tab is to perform an email blast to segments of your voters. However, it may also be used to keep in contact with, and update your team. For example, you might want to email your team to:
- Provide more extensive policy documents
- Advise them of upcoming events such as fundraisers or rallies
- Thank them for their hard work and invite them to the campaign celebration party
You should use Ecanvasser to its maximum benefit for your specific needs - some aspects of the above will definitely work for your campaign.
For example, having marked your Team as Volunteers, assign them a new Survey to answer which task they are willing to perform - you can now use the the Survey Results to review your Team!
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