
Instagram for campaigns

Brendan Finucane
Brendan Finucane
September 2, 2015

5 min read

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While a lot of the political world is focussed on Twitter and the Obama campaign in 2012 changed how Facebook is used in campaigns, neither is as much on the rise as Instagram.

A study done by Pew, found that the photo-sharing service surpassed Twitter in terms of total users in 2014.

Instagram users are also a lot younger, with 53 percent of 18-to-29-year-olds on it. That's up from 37 percent just a year prior, and no other group uses it even half as much.

So, if your political campaign wishes to target that important younger demographic then it's probably for the best that you continue reading on...

1. Practice makes perfect!

Take some time to learn how to take a great Instagram photo.

Try a few angles, different lighting and a unique perspective for the winning instagram shot. Professional headshots and staged photos are not the answer to getting ahead.

2. Post photos when out on the canvass trail

Photos of politicians at public meetings, or out door-to-door canvassing (hopefully using Ecanvasser!) – as long as it isn’t staged, these action shots are what is needed.

3. Take a look into the behind the scenes

Online followers want a glimpse into the behind the scenes – they don’t just want the same photos they are already seeing in the local or national newspapers. Be personal, show a moment with family or a meeting with campaign canvassers. The key is engaging voters online with genuine and relevant content.

4. Demonstrate advocacy on an issue

Your supporters and constituents want to see you working for them. Post photos of meetings with other politicians and community leaders.

5. Have a laugh!

Post a photo of the candidate as a teenager etc #ThrowbackThursday. Keep it light and go off topic occasionally.

Do you agree with our tips? Do you have some tips of your own?

Please let us know by reaching out to us!

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